Toggle navigation

Color utilities


Solid colors

.bg-*can apply to any element, where *is a color name.

Pale colors

.bg-pale-*can apply to any element, where *is a color name.

Other colors

Some other fade colors are available for background-color.


.border-*can apply to any element, where *is a color name.

Default color.border-primary.border-secondary.border-success.border-info.border-warning.border-danger.border-purple.border-pink.border-cyan.border-yellow.border-brown.border-dark.border-white.border-light.border-transparent


Text colors

.text-*can apply to any element, where *is a color name. Please note that you can safely add these classes to an <a>element.


Hover colors

.hover-*can apply to any element, where *is a color name. Please note that you can safely add these classes to an <a>element.