"use strict"; !function (NioApp, $) { "use strict"; NioApp.Package.name = "DashLite"; NioApp.Package.version = "2.2"; var $win = $(window), $body = $('body'), $doc = $(document), //class names _body_theme = 'nio-theme', _menu = 'nk-menu', _menu_switch = 'nk-menu-switch', _menu_content = 'nk-menu-content', _menu_active = 'menu-active', _mobile_nav = 'mobile-menu', _header = 'nk-header', _header_menu = 'nk-header-menu', _sidebar = 'nk-sidebar', _sidebar_mob = 'nk-sidebar-mobile', _app_sidebar = 'nk-apps-sidebar', //breakpoints _break = NioApp.Break; function extend(obj, ext) { Object.keys(ext).forEach(function (key) { obj[key] = ext[key]; }); return obj; } // ClassInit @v1.0 NioApp.ClassBody = function () { NioApp.AddInBody(_app_sidebar); NioApp.AddInBody(_sidebar); }; // ClassInit @v1.0 NioApp.ClassNavMenu = function () { NioApp.BreakClass('.' + _header_menu, _break.lg, { timeOut: 0 }); NioApp.BreakClass('.' + _sidebar, _break.lg, { timeOut: 0, classAdd: _sidebar_mob }); $win.on('resize', function () { NioApp.BreakClass('.' + _header_menu, _break.lg); NioApp.BreakClass('.' + _sidebar, _break.lg, { classAdd: _sidebar_mob }); }); }; // Code Prettify @v1.0 NioApp.Prettify = function () { window.prettyPrint && prettyPrint(); }; // Copied @v1.0 NioApp.Copied = function () { var clip = '.clipboard-init', target = '.clipboard-text', sclass = 'clipboard-success', eclass = 'clipboard-error'; // Feedback function feedback(el, state) { var $elm = $(el), $elp = $elm.parent(), copy = { text: 'Copy', done: 'Copied', fail: 'Failed' }, data = { text: $elm.data('clip-text'), done: $elm.data('clip-success'), fail: $elm.data('clip-error') }; copy.text = data.text ? data.text : copy.text; copy.done = data.done ? data.done : copy.done; copy.fail = data.fail ? data.fail : copy.fail; var copytext = state === 'success' ? copy.done : copy.fail, addclass = state === 'success' ? sclass : eclass; $elp.addClass(addclass).find(target).html(copytext); setTimeout(function () { $elp.removeClass(sclass + ' ' + eclass).find(target).html(copy.text).blur(); $elp.find('input').blur(); }, 2000); } // Init ClipboardJS if (ClipboardJS.isSupported()) { var clipboard = new ClipboardJS(clip); clipboard.on('success', function (e) { feedback(e.trigger, 'success'); e.clearSelection(); }).on('error', function (e) { feedback(e.trigger, 'error'); }); } else { $(clip).css('display', 'none'); } ; }; // CurrentLink Detect @v1.0 NioApp.CurrentLink = function () { var _link = '.nk-menu-link, .menu-link, .nav-link', _currentURL = window.location.href, fileName = _currentURL.substring(0, _currentURL.indexOf("#") == -1 ? _currentURL.length : _currentURL.indexOf("#")), fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf("?") == -1 ? fileName.length : fileName.indexOf("?")); $(_link).each(function () { var self = $(this), _self_link = self.attr('href'); if (fileName.match(_self_link)) { self.closest("li").addClass('active current-page').parents().closest("li").addClass("active current-page"); self.closest("li").children('.nk-menu-sub').css('display', 'block'); self.parents().closest("li").children('.nk-menu-sub').css('display', 'block'); $('.nk-menu-switch').parent().removeClass('active'); $('.' + _menu_content).removeClass(_menu_active); var _closest_content = self.closest('.' + _menu_content).data('content'); self.closest('.' + _menu_content).addClass(_menu_active); $('[data-target=' + _closest_content + ']').parent().addClass('active'); } else { self.closest("li").removeClass('active current-page').parents().closest("li:not(.current-page)").removeClass("active"); } }); }; // PasswordSwitch @v1.0 NioApp.PassSwitch = function () { NioApp.Passcode('.passcode-switch'); }; // Toastr Message @v1.0 NioApp.Toast = function (msg, ttype, opt) { var ttype = ttype ? ttype : 'info', msi = '', ticon = ttype === 'info' ? 'ni ni-info-fill' : ttype === 'success' ? 'ni ni-check-circle-fill' : ttype === 'error' ? 'ni ni-cross-circle-fill' : ttype === 'warning' ? 'ni ni-alert-fill' : '', def = { position: 'bottom-right', ui: '', icon: 'auto', clear: false }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; attr.position = attr.position ? 'toast-' + attr.position : 'toast-bottom-right'; attr.icon = attr.icon === 'auto' ? ticon : attr.icon ? attr.icon : ''; attr.ui = attr.ui ? ' ' + attr.ui : ''; msi = attr.icon !== '' ? '' : '', msg = msg !== '' ? msi + '
' + msg + '
' : ''; if (msg !== "") { if (attr.clear === true) { toastr.clear(); } var option = { "closeButton": true, "debug": false, "newestOnTop": false, "progressBar": false, "positionClass": attr.position + attr.ui, "closeHtml": 'Close', "preventDuplicates": true, "showDuration": "1500", "hideDuration": "1500", "timeOut": "2000", "toastClass": "toastr", "extendedTimeOut": "3000" }; toastr.options = extend(option, attr); toastr[ttype](msg); } }; // Toggle Screen @v1.0 NioApp.TGL.screen = function (elm) { if ($(elm).exists()) { $(elm).each(function () { var ssize = $(this).data('toggle-screen'); if (ssize) { $(this).addClass('toggle-screen-' + ssize); } }); } }; // Toggle Content @v1.0 NioApp.TGL.content = function (elm, opt) { var toggle = elm ? elm : '.toggle', $toggle = $(toggle), $contentD = $('[data-content]'), toggleBreak = true, toggleCurrent = false, def = { active: 'active', content: 'content-active', "break": toggleBreak }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; NioApp.TGL.screen($contentD); $toggle.on('click', function (e) { toggleCurrent = this; NioApp.Toggle.trigger($(this).data('target'), attr); e.preventDefault(); }); $doc.on('mouseup', function (e) { if (toggleCurrent) { var $toggleCurrent = $(toggleCurrent); if (!$toggleCurrent.is(e.target) && $toggleCurrent.has(e.target).length === 0 && !$contentD.is(e.target) && $contentD.has(e.target).length === 0) { NioApp.Toggle.removed($toggleCurrent.data('target'), attr); toggleCurrent = false; } } }); $win.on('resize', function () { $contentD.each(function () { var content = $(this).data('content'), ssize = $(this).data('toggle-screen'), toggleBreak = _break[ssize]; if (NioApp.Win.width > toggleBreak) { NioApp.Toggle.removed(content, attr); } }); }); }; // ToggleExpand @v1.0 NioApp.TGL.expand = function (elm, opt) { var toggle = elm ? elm : '.expand', def = { toggle: true }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; $(toggle).on('click', function (e) { NioApp.Toggle.trigger($(this).data('target'), attr); e.preventDefault(); }); }; // Dropdown Menu @v1.0 NioApp.TGL.ddmenu = function (elm, opt) { var imenu = elm ? elm : '.nk-menu-toggle', def = { active: 'active', self: 'nk-menu-toggle', child: 'nk-menu-sub' }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; $(imenu).on('click', function (e) { if (NioApp.Win.width < _break.lg || $(this).parents().hasClass(_sidebar)) { NioApp.Toggle.dropMenu($(this), attr); } e.preventDefault(); }); }; // Show Menu @v1.0 NioApp.TGL.showmenu = function (elm, opt) { var toggle = elm ? elm : '.nk-nav-toggle', $toggle = $(toggle), $contentD = $('[data-content]'), toggleBreak = $contentD.hasClass(_header_menu) ? _break.lg : _break.xl, toggleOlay = _sidebar + '-overlay', toggleClose = { profile: true, menu: false }, def = { active: 'toggle-active', content: _sidebar + '-active', body: 'nav-shown', overlay: toggleOlay, "break": toggleBreak, close: toggleClose }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; $toggle.on('click', function (e) { NioApp.Toggle.trigger($(this).data('target'), attr); e.preventDefault(); }); $doc.on('mouseup', function (e) { if (!$toggle.is(e.target) && $toggle.has(e.target).length === 0 && !$contentD.is(e.target) && $contentD.has(e.target).length === 0 && NioApp.Win.width < toggleBreak) { NioApp.Toggle.removed($toggle.data('target'), attr); } }); $win.on('resize', function () { if (NioApp.Win.width < _break.xl || NioApp.Win.width < toggleBreak) { NioApp.Toggle.removed($toggle.data('target'), attr); } }); }; // Menu Switch NioApp.menuSwitch = function () { var $toggle = $('.' + _menu_switch), $content = $('.' + _menu_content); $toggle.on('click', function (e) { var $self = $(this), _target = $self.data('target'), $dContent = $('[data-content=' + _target + ']'); $toggle.parent().removeClass('active'); $self.parent().addClass('active'); $content.removeClass(_menu_active); $dContent.addClass(_menu_active); e.preventDefault(); }); }; // Animate FormSearch @v1.0 NioApp.Ani.formSearch = function (elm, opt) { var def = { active: 'active', timeout: 400, target: '[data-search]' }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; var $elem = $(elm), $target = $(attr.target); if ($elem.exists()) { $elem.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $self = $(this), the_target = $self.data('target'), $self_st = $('[data-search=' + the_target + ']'), $self_tg = $('[data-target=' + the_target + ']'); if (!$self_st.hasClass(attr.active)) { $self_tg.add($self_st).addClass(attr.active); $self_st.find('input').focus(); } else { $self_tg.add($self_st).removeClass(attr.active); setTimeout(function () { $self_st.find('input').val(''); }, attr.timeout); } }); $doc.on({ keyup: function keyup(e) { if (e.key === "Escape") { $elem.add($target).removeClass(attr.active); } }, mouseup: function mouseup(e) { if (!$target.find('input').val() && !$target.is(e.target) && $target.has(e.target).length === 0 && !$elem.is(e.target) && $elem.has(e.target).length === 0) { $elem.add($target).removeClass(attr.active); } } }); } }; // Animate FormElement @v1.0 NioApp.Ani.formElm = function (elm, opt) { var def = { focus: 'focused' }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; if ($(elm).exists()) { $(elm).each(function () { var $self = $(this); if ($self.val()) { $self.parent().addClass(attr.focus); } $self.on({ focus: function focus() { $self.parent().addClass(attr.focus); }, blur: function blur() { if (!$self.val()) { $self.parent().removeClass(attr.focus); } } }); }); } }; // Form Validate @v1.0 NioApp.Validate = function (elm, opt) { if ($(elm).exists()) { $(elm).each(function () { var def = { errorElement: "span" }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; $(this).validate(attr); }); } }; NioApp.Validate.init = function () { NioApp.Validate('.form-validate', { errorElement: "span", errorClass: "invalid", errorPlacement: function errorPlacement(error, element) { error.appendTo(element.parent()); } }); }; // Dropzone @v1.0 NioApp.Dropzone = function (elm, opt) { if ($(elm).exists()) { $(elm).each(function () { var def = { autoDiscover: false }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; $(this).addClass('dropzone').dropzone(attr); }); } }; // Wizard @v1.0 NioApp.Wizard = function () { var $wizard = $(".nk-wizard").show(); $wizard.steps({ headerTag: ".nk-wizard-head", bodyTag: ".nk-wizard-content", labels: { finish: "Submit", next: "Next", previous: "Prev", loading: "Loading ..." }, onStepChanging: function onStepChanging(event, currentIndex, newIndex) { // Allways allow previous action even if the current form is not valid! if (currentIndex > newIndex) { return true; } // Needed in some cases if the user went back (clean up) if (currentIndex < newIndex) { // To remove error styles $wizard.find(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") label.error").remove(); $wizard.find(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") .error").removeClass("error"); } $wizard.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled,:hidden"; return $wizard.valid(); }, onFinishing: function onFinishing(event, currentIndex) { $wizard.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled"; return $wizard.valid(); }, onFinished: function onFinished(event, currentIndex) { window.location.href = "#"; } }).validate({ errorElement: "span", errorClass: "invalid", errorPlacement: function errorPlacement(error, element) { error.appendTo(element.parent()); } }); }; // DataTable @1.1 NioApp.DataTable = function (elm, opt) { if ($(elm).exists()) { $(elm).each(function () { var auto_responsive = $(this).data('auto-responsive'); var dom_normal = '<"row justify-between g-2"<"col-7 col-sm-6 text-left"f><"col-5 col-sm-6 text-right"<"datatable-filter"l>>><"datatable-wrap my-3"t><"row align-items-center"<"col-7 col-sm-12 col-md-9"p><"col-5 col-sm-12 col-md-3 text-left text-md-right"i>>'; var dom_separate = '<"row justify-between g-2"<"col-7 col-sm-6 text-left"f><"col-5 col-sm-6 text-right"<"datatable-filter"l>>><"my-3"t><"row align-items-center"<"col-7 col-sm-12 col-md-9"p><"col-5 col-sm-12 col-md-3 text-left text-md-right"i>>'; var dom = $(this).hasClass('is-separate') ? dom_separate : dom_normal; var def = { responsive: true, autoWidth: false, dom: dom, language: { search: "", searchPlaceholder: "Type in to Search", lengthMenu: "Show
", info: "_START_ -_END_ of _TOTAL_", infoEmpty: "No records found", infoFiltered: "( Total _MAX_ )", paginate: { "first": "First", "last": "Last", "next": "Next", "previous": "Prev" } } }, attr = opt ? extend(def, opt) : def; attr = auto_responsive === false ? extend(attr, { responsive: false }) : attr; $(this).DataTable(attr); }); } }; // BootStrap Extended NioApp.BS.ddfix = function (elm, exc) { var dd = elm ? elm : '.dropdown-menu', ex = exc ? exc : 'a:not(.clickable), button:not(.clickable), a:not(.clickable) *, button:not(.clickable) *'; $(dd).on('click', function (e) { if (!$(e.target).is(ex)) { e.stopPropagation(); return; } }); if (NioApp.State.isRTL) { var $dMenu = $('.dropdown-menu'); $dMenu.each(function () { var $self = $(this); if ($self.hasClass('dropdown-menu-right') && !$self.hasClass('dropdown-menu-center')) { $self.prev('[data-toggle="dropdown"]').dropdown({ popperConfig: { placement: 'bottom-start' } }); } else if (!$self.hasClass('dropdown-menu-right') && !$self.hasClass('dropdown-menu-center')) { $self.prev('[data-toggle="dropdown"]').dropdown({ popperConfig: { placement: 'bottom-end' } }); } }); } }; // BootStrap Specific Tab Open NioApp.BS.tabfix = function (elm) { var tab = elm ? elm : '[data-toggle="modal"]'; $(tab).on('click', function () { var _this = $(this), target = _this.data('target'), target_href = _this.attr('href'), tg_tab = _this.data('tab-target'); var modal = target ? $body.find(target) : $body.find(target_href); if (tg_tab && tg_tab !== '#' && modal) { modal.find('[href="' + tg_tab + '"]').tab('show'); } else if (modal) { var tabdef = modal.find('.nk-nav.nav-tabs'); var link = $(tabdef[0]).find('[data-toggle="tab"]'); $(link[0]).tab('show'); } }); }; // Dark Mode Switch @since v2.0 NioApp.ModeSwitch = function () { var toggle = $('.dark-switch'); if ($body.hasClass('dark-mode')) { toggle.addClass('active'); } else { toggle.removeClass('active'); } toggle.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('active'); $body.toggleClass('dark-mode'); }); }; // Knob @v1.0 NioApp.Knob.init = function () { var knob = { "default": { readOnly: true, lineCap: "round" }, half: { angleOffset: -90, angleArc: 180, readOnly: true, lineCap: "round" } }; NioApp.Knob('.knob', knob["default"]); NioApp.Knob('.knob-half', knob.half); }; // Range @v1.0 NioApp.Range.init = function () { NioApp.Range('.form-range-slider'); }; NioApp.Select2.init = function () { // NioApp.Select2('.select'); NioApp.Select2('.form-select'); }; // Slick Init @v1.0 NioApp.Slider.init = function () { NioApp.Slick('.slider-init'); }; // Dropzone Init @v1.0 NioApp.Dropzone.init = function () { NioApp.Dropzone('.upload-zone', { url: "/images" }); }; // DataTable Init @v1.0 NioApp.DataTable.init = function () { NioApp.DataTable('.datatable-init', { responsive: { details: true } }); $.fn.DataTable.ext.pager.numbers_length = 7; }; // Extra @v1.1 NioApp.OtherInit = function () { NioApp.ClassBody(); NioApp.PassSwitch(); NioApp.CurrentLink(); NioApp.LinkOff('.is-disable'); NioApp.ClassNavMenu(); NioApp.menuSwitch(); NioApp.SetHW('[data-height]', 'height'); NioApp.SetHW('[data-width]', 'width'); }; // Animate Init @v1.0 NioApp.Ani.init = function () { NioApp.Ani.formElm('.form-control-outlined'); NioApp.Ani.formSearch('.toggle-search'); }; // BootstrapExtend Init @v1.0 NioApp.BS.init = function () { NioApp.BS.menutip('a.nk-menu-link'); NioApp.BS.tooltip('.nk-tooltip'); NioApp.BS.tooltip('.btn-tooltip', { placement: 'top' }); NioApp.BS.tooltip('[data-toggle="tooltip"]'); NioApp.BS.tooltip('.tipinfo,.nk-menu-tooltip', { placement: 'right' }); NioApp.BS.popover('[data-toggle="popover"]'); NioApp.BS.progress('[data-progress]'); NioApp.BS.fileinput('.custom-file-input'); NioApp.BS.modalfix(); NioApp.BS.ddfix(); NioApp.BS.tabfix(); }; // Picker Init @v1.0 NioApp.Picker.init = function () { NioApp.Picker.date('.date-picker'); NioApp.Picker.dob('.date-picker-alt'); NioApp.Picker.time('.time-picker'); }; // Addons @v1 NioApp.Addons.Init = function () { NioApp.Knob.init(); NioApp.Range.init(); NioApp.Select2.init(); NioApp.Dropzone.init(); NioApp.Slider.init(); NioApp.DataTable.init(); }; // Toggler @v1 NioApp.TGL.init = function () { NioApp.TGL.content('.toggle'); NioApp.TGL.expand('.toggle-expand'); NioApp.TGL.expand('.toggle-opt', { toggle: false }); NioApp.TGL.showmenu('.nk-nav-toggle'); NioApp.TGL.ddmenu('.' + _menu + '-toggle', { self: _menu + '-toggle', child: _menu + '-sub' }); }; NioApp.BS.modalOnInit = function () { $('.modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () { NioApp.Select2.init(); NioApp.Validate.init(); }); }; // Initial by default ///////////////////////////// NioApp.init = function () { NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.OtherInit); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.Prettify); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.ColorBG); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.ColorTXT); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.Copied); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.Ani.init); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.TGL.init); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.BS.init); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.Validate.init); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.Picker.init); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.Addons.Init); NioApp.coms.docReady.push(NioApp.Wizard); NioApp.coms.winLoad.push(NioApp.ModeSwitch); }; NioApp.init(); return NioApp; }(NioApp, jQuery);