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Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select>box. It's jQuery-based and it's useful for tagging,contact lists,country selectors,and so on.


iOS 7 style switches for your checkboxes

Add an attribute data-plugin="switchery" data-color="@colors"to your input element and it will be converted into switch.

Add an attribute data-size="small",data-size="large"to your input element and it will be converted into switch. Add an attribute data-color="@color" data-secondary-color="@color"to your input element and it will be converted into switch.


The jQuery replacement for select boxes

Single Select

Select2 can take a regular select box like this...

Multiple Select

Select2 can take a regular select box like this...

Bootstrap MaxLength

Uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work.

The badge will show up by default when the remaining chars are 10 or less:

Do you want the badge to show up when there are 20 chars or less? Use the thresholdoption:

Please note:if the alwaysShowoption is enabled,the thresholdoption is ignored.

All you need to do is specify the placementoption,with one of those strings. If none is specified,the positioning will be defauted to 'bottom'.

Bootstrap maxlength supports textarea as well as inputs. Even on old IE.

Multiple Select

Example of multiple select.


Use a <select multiple />as your input element for a tags input,to gain true multivalue support.

Grouped Options

Use a <select multiple />as your input element for a tags input,to gain true multivalue support.

Auto Complete

Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery allows you to easily create autocomplete/autosuggest boxes for text input fields


The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection,searching,and much more. Now with Bootstrap 4 support.

Create your <select>with the .selectpickerclass.

It also works with option groups:

You can also show the tick icon on single selectwith the show-tickclass:

And with multiple selects:

You can limit the number of elements you are allowed to select via the data-max-option attribute. It also works for option groups.

You can limit the number of elements you are allowed to select via the data-max-option attribute. It also works for option groups.

Add an icon to an option or optgroup with the data-iconattribute:

You can add a search input by passing data-live-search="true"attribute:

You can also use the titleattribute as an alternative to display when the option is selected:

Using the data-selected-text-formatattribute on a multiple selectyou can specify how the selection is displayed.

Add the disabledattribute to the select to apply the disabledclass.

Bootstrap Touchspin

A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap. Specify attribute data-toggle="touchspin"and your input would be conveterted into touch friendly spinner.